Learn More About Sassbook AI Headline Generator (AI Title Generator)📗
What is Sassbook AI Headline Generator/Automatic Title Generator?
The Sassbook AI Headline Generator is an online headline generator tool that automatically generates headlines for text that you supply. Sassbook uses its advanced AI engine to generate headlines and titles which exhibit human-like understanding of the content.
Each time you hit "Generate Headlines" button, up to ten headlines may be generated. You can choose one of them or generate a new set of headlines by clicking the button again.
The AI headline generator tool can be configured to generate titles favoring varying lengths. You can also configure the "ingenuity" of generated headlines, to suit the nature of your article and its intended audience.
Generating a great headline for your article
Ideally, you would supply the essence of your article with sufficient details to the AI engine. Up to 800 words is supported by the user interface. If your article is much longer, use an abstract summary generated by Sassbook AI Summarizer as the source text for title generation, for best results.
- Copy and paste the text you want to generate headlines for in the "Original Text" text area
- Configure the "style" of headlines by adjusting the "Ingenuity" slider. It supports four values from "Conservative" to "Wild". As the slider moves right, generated headlines become more and more imaginative.
The four values are: Conservative, Regular, Imaginative, Wild.
Note: The free version only accepts the Regular value for this setting, which is a reasonable default to start with. - Suggest how long you would like your headlines to be
This can be a configured by adjusting the "Target Size" slider. This setting supports five values - from "Shortest" to "Longest".
The five values are: Shortest, Short, Medium, Long, Longest.
Note: These values are largely suggestions and it might take a few tries to get a headline of a desired length.
Note: The free tier only enables the Short option. - Press the Generate Headlines button to generate a set of headlines for the given text
Depending on the length of the original content, the suggested length of headlines, and the number of headline alternatives configured, the time taken by the AI to generate the title set will vary.
The suitable headline from the set can be copied to the clipboard using the Copy button next to it. - You can generate a new set of headlines by pressing the same button again, with or without adjusting the configurable parameters, prior to generation.
Note: To get best results, you may want to adjust the original text to focus on aspects relevant to the desired headline.
To enable full automation of your content automation workflows, the AI Summary Generator API as well as the AI Text Generator API are available.
There is an API-only plan as well as free API credits associated with commercial web app subscription benefits.
Sassbook AI also develops other AI content automation software; if you are looking for an AI text generator online, do check out Sassbook AI Writer.
The Sassbook AI Summarizer is a modern summarizer for creating best summaries of your content.
The Sassbook AI Paraphraser is a modern paraphrasing tool that helps your rewrite articles in tailored to your use cases.
The Sassbook AI Story Writer is great for writing stories of multiple genres.
You can use the AI Text Writer, AI Story Writer, AI Summarizer, AI Paraphraser, and the AI Headliner Generator for free!
Please email us @ hello@sassbook.com if you need more information about Sassbook.